Better Touch Tool Presets

To better view the areas you have brushed over, select the show selected mask overlay option, located just below the image. This will apply a red mask. Once the mask is visible, you might notice there are areas that you did not mean to cover. You can easily erase these strokes by selecting the erase tool, as highlighted in the image below. Here we collect cool touch bar presets for BetterTouchTool. Feel free to send your own configs in pull-requests. Do not forget to attach a screenshot (⇧⌘6) and write some description to this README. For a wide range of presets created by an assortment of professional photographers, giving you different style choices, Pretty Presets is an excellent source. Pretty Presets has a large customer base, and with good reason. Their presets are truly stunning. They really enhance images, giving them that professional touch.

Better Touch Tool Presets

Aiming is an integral part of playing any FPS, and whether you are a professional FPS player or a casual gamer just starting out, it is vitally important to keep improving it to stay ahead of the competition. However, in normal game scenarios, it is hard to focus on simply getting better at aiming, because there is always something else going on that you have to do - capturing objectives, throwing grenades, using abilities, etc. In fact, if you total up the time that you spend purely shooting at the enemy in one round, you will find it to be quite little. This website provides a distilled, pure aim training tool, in which the only objective you have is to aim, and to aim well, providing much more aiming practice per unit time than any in-game match.


Flick-shooting practice (for snipers, etc.) coming soon!

Track the red ball with your mouse.

  • If you'd like to train the muscle memory associated with in-game shooting, enable the setting below.
  • The presets are recommended for newcomers to the tool, and are calibrated to different difficulty levels.
Free pro tools presets

High score: 0 ( )

Aiming is an integral part of playing any FPS, and whether you are a professional FPS player or a casual gamer just starting out, it is vitally important to keep improving it to stay ahead of the competition. However, in normal game scenarios, it is hard to focus on simply getting better at aiming, because there is always something else going on that you have to do - capturing objectives, throwing grenades, using abilities, etc. In fact, if you total up the time that you spend purely shooting at the enemy in one round, you will find it to be quite little. This website provides a distilled, pure aim training tool, in which the only objective you have is to aim, and to aim well, providing much more aiming practice per unit time than any in-game match.

Flick-shooting practice (for snipers, etc.) coming soon!

Better Touch Tool Mac Presets

Track the red ball with your mouse.

  • If you'd like to train the muscle memory associated with in-game shooting, enable the setting below.
  • The presets are recommended for newcomers to the tool, and are calibrated to different difficulty levels.

Photoshop Tool Preset

High score: 0 ( )